Okay so that isn't actually a tequila sunrise. It's my favorite juice combo, cranberry with a splash of orange. I like the Simply Orange with the lots of pulp. I can't drink orange juice if it doesn't have pulp! Anyhow today was another sick day. I'm feeling a good bit better, just tired and achy, but the doctor said not to go back to work until Friday so I stayed in. I decided to try a breakfast cookie this morning. I got the idea from
Susan who got the idea from
Fitnessista. I subbed cranberries for coconut though for the simple reason that I didn't have coconut. It was very tasty and surprisingly filling!

For lunch I had what appears to be a second breakfast. I had to run to the pharmacy so I took the opportunity to visit Starbucks. The only issue is that I can't have caffine until I'm better so that means no coffee or tea. So I tried a tall, non-fat, no whip, pumpkin creme. Yumtastic! When I got home I quickly toasted up an english muffin, fried an egg, and threw on 1/2 a slice of cheese. Delicious! Most of the time I make my eggs over-well but today I really wanted to dip the bread in the yolk so I went over easy. Then I spent a great portion of time of the couch in my pjs watching Dead Like Me on streaming Netflix.

Before I knew it, it was almost time for Todd to get home so I needed to start cooking dinner. I decided to fix taco pasta. Basically I cook ground sirloin, add a can of tomato, a can of tomato sauce, and 1/2 a packet of reduced sodium taco seasoning. Then I stir that into cooked pasta with a a few dollups of reduced fat sour cream, top with cheese, and bake. It is so good. We all had seconds. I'll probably have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

I felt I had to finish the post with a picture of the little lady that's been keeping me company while I've been ill. Okay so she's not at all little and looks terribly unlike a lady in this photo. Anyhow this is my lovely, quite voluptious cat Buttercup. Boy is she sassy....
hahahahah OMG that cat picture made me laugh :) hope you are feeling better! Your egg sandwich is making me hungry!